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Synopsis Dragon Ball Super Manga 27

Having concluded the battle against Zamasu, Goku finds himself in a peaceful state at a vegetable market on Earth. He picks up some produce and places them in a flying truck from Capsule Corporation. As he departs, he must pause momentarily as he comes across a crashed van.

The man driving the van asks Goku if he can give him a lift to the nearest station, to which the Saiyan kindly agrees. However, he is unaware that behind some bushes, two armed individuals are observing him, as it is all part of a trap to ambush him.

The bandits reveal their location and mention that it's their lucky day, as they have come across a very luxurious truck that is not commonly seen. They tell Goku that they will take it, but he refuses, stating that Bulma gave it to him so he could work hard.

Frustrated by Goku's passivity, one of the bandits attempts to strike Goku, but fails as the Saiyan effortlessly defeats him with just a finger. The other two bandits become frightened and start shooting at Goku, who moves with great speed and quickly defeats one of the criminals. The last one standing, he simply destroys his gun with his hand.

Then, the bandit pulls out another gun from his pocket, but Goku catches all the bullets using his hand, causing the bandit to become very scared and flee in terror. Goku notices that one of the bullets grazed his arm, realizing that he is out of shape. Furthermore, seeing that the fleeing bandit abandoned his comrades, Goku decides to take the two unconscious bandits to a police station.

Upon delivering the criminals, a police officer offers Goku a reward for capturing both of them. As he exits, Goku mentions that Milk will surely let him train if he brings the reward money. Due to this, he uses the communication device that Whis gave him to contact him, but there is no answer.

At that moment, it is shown that Whis is training against Vegeta on Bills' planet. Whis mentions that Vegeta has improved. The Oracle Fish adds that Vegeta's improvement is probably due to being upset at seeing how Son Goku was a better rival for Zamasu. Bills criticizes this rivalry, yawns, and says he is going to bed because the prophecy stating that Goku and Vegeta will be his strongest rivals is wrong.

The Oracle Fish repeats that they will be the strongest rivals he will have to face. In response, Bills tells Vegeta that he has made great progress and invites him to fight. Vegeta agrees.

The battle begins with Vegeta transforming into Super Saiyan Blue, but not in the usual way, rather in his complete form, just as Goku had achieved in the battle against Zamasu. Immediately, Vegeta delivers a powerful blow to Bills' face. This enrages Bills, who decides to defeat Vegeta with a single attack, leaving a large destructive crater in its wake.

Bills congratulates him on progressing so quickly and mentions that perhaps Vegeta could be a good candidate for the God of Destruction of another universe. Whis approaches Vegeta and tells him not to feel bad, as he has done things well, but if he wants to defeat Bills, he will have to master the ability to let his body move on its own will. Vegeta asks Whis to take him back to Earth and says that he won't be back for a while.

The Oracle Fish arrives with Whis' staff and tells him that someone was trying to communicate with him. Whis calls, Goku answers, and asks him to train him again. Whis agrees and asks what he will bring this time, so Goku offers Daifuku, a dish he describes as "truly delicious and elegant."

Goku adds that he is at Bulma's house, so he thought they could also invite Vegeta, but Whis tells him that Vegeta is already with him. Goku gets upset that they were training without him and asks to join them. Whis adds that Vegeta is about to leave.

Whis asks Vegeta why he is leaving, and he responds that "it's almost time for it to be born." Immediately, pregnant Bulma appears before Goku with Mai and Trunks. Seeing Bulma's belly, Goku tells her that she is eating too much.

Bulma gets angry, as she thought she had come to visit him because of her pregnancy, reminding him that she had told him she was expecting their second child. An hour passes, and Vegeta arrives with Whis. Goku asks Vegeta why he won't go with him, and Vegeta reproaches him, saying that he needs to stay with Bulma because she is about to give birth.

Goku doesn't understand and argues that he's not the one giving birth. Vegeta gets angry and tells him that if he abandons her to train, she will never forgive him. Goku questions why it's such a big deal, as he doesn't even know when Goten and Gohan were born.

Vegeta resigns and says that perhaps Goku isn't a bad person, but he is a terrible father. Whis says it's better if they leave now. Upon arriving at Bills' planet, everyone begins to eat the Daifuku peacefully.

While they eat, Goku asks Whis if he will teach him something new, but Whis invites him to start again with the basics and adds that slow but steady consistency is what he needs to progress.

Bills finishes eating and says he's going to sleep, but Goku stops him and suggests they discuss the promise they made to the Omni-King about a tournament involving all the universes. Bills tells him to forget about that nonsense, but Goku insists that it's an exciting idea and he wants to set a goal before training.

Goku says he should go ask, and he shows Bills the button Zeno gave him, explaining how he can use it to teleport to him or make him teleport to Goku's location. Bills starts getting angry and warns Goku not to ask him about anything.

Goku says he's his friend and that he can't be scary because he looks adorable. Bills warns him that, although he may be pure-hearted, that's what makes him frightening, and that's why he shouldn't be deceived by appearances. In the end, Goku decides to ignore Bills' warnings and teleports to where Zeno is, leaving Bills extremely angry.

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