Synopsis Dragon Ball Super Manga 37
The clash between Freezer and Caulifla unfolds with escalating intensity. In a moment of brute force, Freezer propels her, causing a resounding collision against the pillar-clock. Struggling to rise, Caulifla becomes acutely aware that Freezer's focus is solely on the Saiyans. With a touch of sarcasm, he dismisses any animosity towards Universe 6's Saiyans.
Faced with this predicament, Caulifla resolves to tap into the power of the Super Saiyan. As her transformation takes hold, Champa, from the spectator stands, offers words of encouragement. Freezer, seemingly indifferent, remains unaffected by her newfound might. Undeterred, Caulifla takes to the skies, hurtling towards Freezer at breakneck speed. Yet, using his telekinesis, Freezer erects a barrier, conjuring a formidable obstacle on the battlefield. Undeterred, Caulifla presses onward, piercing through the obstruction with ease.
Once again, Freezer employs his telekinetic prowess, hurling debris at Caulifla. She finds herself vulnerable, sprawled amidst a torrent of stones unleashed by Freezer's calculated assault. Reveling in his overwhelming advantage, Freezer taunts Caulifla, mocking her feeble Super Saiyan abilities. However, Caulifla surprises him, launching a blistering attack from behind, propelling Freezer perilously close to the edge of the arena while obliterating a significant portion of the platform.
Noticing the unfolding events, Number 17, Toppo, Vegeta, and Goku react with astonishment. Caulifla, now emboldened, exudes newfound confidence, even as Freezer teeters unharmed at the precipice of the battleground. Freezer acknowledges Caulifla's exceptional Saiyan nature, remarking that not even the first Super Saiyan he faced (referring to Goku) possessed such power.
Acknowledging the need to employ his full might, despite his initial expectations, Freezer catches Caulifla off guard. Simultaneously, Kale and Cabba face off against Dercoria and Preecho, engrossed in their own formidable struggle.
Unleashing his golden form, Freezer unleashes a flurry of lightning-fast strikes upon Caulifla, who now finds herself at a distinct disadvantage, unable to evade his onslaught. Kale's attention wavers as she witnesses Freezer pummeling Caulifla, just as Dercoria nears victory. This momentary distraction stirs something within Kale, empowering her to remove Dercoria from the platform.
Seizing the opportunity, Kale catches Freezer off guard, delivering a powerful blow to his neck. This respite allows Caulifla to counter with a forceful kick, propelling Freezer away. Unfazed, Freezer remarks that if Caulifla is considered a prodigy in Universe 6, then that universe is in dire straits. Caulifla's rage intensifies as she rushes forward, launching a furious assault against Freezer. A shot to the foot leaves Freezer momentarily vulnerable, but he retaliates with a Super Explosive Wave. Freezer taunts Caulifla, expressing his desire to kill her, yet refrains, as doing so would disqualify him.
Once again, Kale enters the fray against Freezer, only to have her strike blocked. Freezer hurls her to the ground. Cabba, engaged in combat with Preecho, witnesses the unfolding spectacle and summons newfound determination, successfully removing his opponent from the platform. He then reunites with Caulifla and Kale.
Freezer notes that Kale's attacks pack a greater punch than Caulifla's, further fueling Caulifla's fury. Unyielding, Caulifla launches a solitary assault against Freezer, but receives a devastating blow from his rays that leaves her severely injured.
Curious, Cabba questions if Kale has been concealing her true power, deducing that she may surpass Caulifla in strength despite feeling inferior. Encouraging her to unleash her full potential, Kale initially resists, as Caulifla is not only her best friend but also the one who rescued her from the streets.
Frustrated by Kale's initial reluctance, Cabba rushes to aid Caulifla, only to find himself facing off against Freezer. Champa asserts that Frost pales in comparison to Freezer's might. Kale cannot bear the thought of anyone surpassing Caulifla's strength, deeming them unworthy of existence.
This unleashes a surge of rage within Kale, transforming her into a Super Saiyan. Caulifla is taken aback, discovering that her protégé also possesses the capacity to transform. However, Freezer remains unfazed, claiming that there is no Super Saiyan left to surprise him, even though Kale manages to inflict considerable damage.
Gohan observes Kale's assault on Freezer, and Master Roshi, in an ironic twist, urges Goku to intervene. Simultaneously, Master Roshi continues his battle against the Pride Troopers alongside Gohan.
Goku teleports, appearing before Freezer, proclaiming that he will take care of Kale. Annoyed, Freezer rebuffs any assistance. Goku ascends to Super Saiyan Blue effortlessly, effortlessly deflecting Kale's attack and sending her hurtling away with a swift kick. Freezer, too, dispatches her with a kick. Their rivalry sparks a debate, with Beerus and Shin noting that both are causing problems.
Before the tension between Goku and Freezer escalates, Kale's fury and power surge to new heights. Champa senses that Kale is excelling, despite Kale herself confessing that this is the first time she has tapped into her full power, causing her to lose reason and control of her emotions, a development that could potentially lead to her downfall.
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