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Synopsis Dragon Ball Super Manga 42

The Tournament of Power is drawing near its conclusion, and as the battle unfolds in the arena, Vermoud, the God of Destruction of Universe 11, reveals certain details about Jiren's life.

Among the most relevant matters shared by Vermoud is that Jiren is obsessed with gaining the approval of his Master, Gicchin. While Gicchin was still alive, he never approved of his disciple Jiren because he felt that he lacked something crucial, which is teamwork. This is why he made Jiren join the Pride Troopers.

On the battlefield, the two Saiyans are trying to defeat Jiren, who, despite losing a significant amount of energy, remains an incredibly challenging opponent.

Time is running out, and Jiren decides to eliminate Vegeta by throwing him out of the battle arena. This turn of events deeply concerns Goku, but the evil Emperor arrives to aid his worst enemy.

Freeza manages to create a powerful sphere of energy and hurls it towards Goku and Jiren. However, this is not enough to defeat Jiren, so the Emperor decides to deliver a direct blow that knocks all three warriors out of the platform.

Everything seems to be a tie, but at the last moment, Android 17 appears and reveals the strategy they devised with Freeza, pretending to be dead. The Tournament of Power has come to an end, and the winner of this grand event is Universe 7.

Without hesitation, Android 17 requests that the Great Priest revive the destroyed universes from the Tournament of Power. Daishinkan summons the Dragon Zarama and fulfills the Android's wish.

The Universal Survival arc has concluded, and a new story begins for the Z warriors. A problem arises involving Broly, the legendary Super Saiyan. However, these events are not detailed, but it is mentioned that these obstacles have been overcome.

Peace returns among the Z warriors, but something unexpected happens at Mr. Satan's house while Goku and Vegeta are training.

The two Saiyans immediately head to Mr. Satan's place, as strange individuals are kidnapping Majin Buu for no apparent reason. Upon their arrival, Goku and Vegeta confront a mysterious individual who manages to paralyze them, and thus, he takes the two Saiyans and Majin Buu.

The mysterious individual turns out to be Merus, the elite Agent Number 1 of the Galactic Patrol. When Goku and Vegeta regain consciousness, Merus, along with Jaco, explains that a dangerous criminal has escaped from the Galactic Prison, which is why they need the assistance of the Grand Supreme Kai, who resides within Majin Buu.

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