Why didn't Chi-Chi ever learn ki control?

From the very beginning, Chi-Chi demonstrated an incredible talent for combat. Trained by her father, Ox-King, since childhood, she even made it to the World Martial Arts Tournament. At the time, her power level was recorded at 130 units, impressive for someone who didn't have access to advanced training. But this raises an interesting question: if Chi-Chi had so much potential, why did she never learn to control her ki like the other fighters?

Fans have speculated a lot about this, and some explanations seem to make the most sense. One theory is that Chi-Chi stopped training after marrying Goku because she felt there was no need to continue. After all, she was married to the strongest man on Earth, someone capable of protecting her and her family no matter what. For Chi-Chi, her role changed from fighter to wife, trusting Goku to handle any threats that came their way.

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Another popular explanation relates to her dedication as a mother. Once Gohan was born, Chi-Chi focused all of her energy on raising and educating him. Since Goku was frequently absent, Chi-Chi took it upon herself to ensure that Gohan was academically successful - she wanted him to become a scholar, not a fighter. To reinforce this, Chi-Chi likely decided to step away from martial arts altogether, showing her children through her own actions that there was more to life than fighting. By devoting herself to being a housewife and mother, she intentionally put her combat skills aside, including learning mastery of her ki. In the end, Chi-Chi's story is one of sacrifice and devotion, putting her family first above all else.

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